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What our clients think...

RSA - The Crystal Labyrinth

We were all very excited about the event and it didn’t disappoint!  The archery session was a clever opening activity as immediately we all got into a competitive mindset. What we really enjoyed was the variation of games. The four areas of mystery, mental, skill and physical meant that there were enough tasks to engage everyone and allow each person to shine.


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Engineering Company - Cityscape Capers

Team Building

Mission: To create an afternoon outdoor team building event for a group of employees in their third year on a graduate scheme. The event needed to align with the invention and innovation module that was to be held at Cambridge University. The group had been onsite for two days in a training environment and the client wanted an energising activity to complete the second afternoon where the team were taken out of the conference room and given a research based exercise which required team work, collaboration, creativity and pitching. The event needed to create an element of competition as only one team could win the challenge.

Accomplished: We created the event Cityscape Capers where the teams were given the challenge of designing a brand new college in Cambridge.  Teams were armed with sketch pads, cameras and a briefing pack which gave them a number of genuine articles based on real evidence of local opinions from students and residents with regards to the new initiative.  It was up to the teams to analyse these documents and meet the criteria given in their designs and project concepts. The teams then had to deliver a ten minute pitch for their designs to a panel of experts the very next morning. Feedback was excellent from the outset.

When we put forward the initial ideas, our client was so impressed that she emailed the Head of Innovation in the business to find a way of including our event idea more widely to groups in that area of the company.  On the event day itself, the client was extremely surprised at the group’s response to the event.  She commented that they were the most focused she'd ever seen them and the teams spent at least an additional hour in their own free time on their presentations in order to be fully prepared for the pitching process the next day.

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