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Mission: To help improve communication within a small team of senior staff members. The client advised that although the team worked towards a common goal, there was a communication issue, which often showed itself in team meetings and on complex projects. Whereas some team members would be happy to discuss their opinion at length, others would hold back and say very little, thus creating an environment, which alienated some and frustrated others.
Accomplished: We designed a bespoke workshop focusing on the client’s key areas of development. The four hour session included a number of experiential learning activities and structured targeted exercises. After an ice breaker session where delegates were connected to each other and they had to work together and initiate plans to release themselves, we ran an activity using Myers Briggs as a basis for discussion with regards to communication styles. We also designed and delivered tailored experiential sessions focusing on listening skills, body language, blocks to effective communication and the importance of dialogue versus discussion. The workshop was received extremely well by the client who commented that the activities really helped the team to not only understand their own communication style but also understand others within their team. The various tasks showcased how communication can be improved in the team and ways to combat issues that may arise in the future.